Ordering Neuro-No 2 *tm
By Dr. Steven J. Dolgoff

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Pain in 1/2 of Big ToePain in 1/2 of Big Toe, middle 3 ToesPain to little ToePain to 1/2 of Big Toe and 1/2 LegPain inside of heel & up LegOther causes of Painful ToesFact Sheet for N.I.N.D.S.Contact PageReprints & PermissionsReturning MembersResearch LinksDiabetic Peripheral NeurpathyDrugs for Diabetic Nerve Pain3 Steps to treat Diabetic NeuropathyReduce Risk of Nerve DamageRate Your PainNeuro-No 2 DirectionsHow to Order Neuro-No 2

Ordering Neuro-No 2 *tm

1 month and 3 month supplies are available by mail and at select pharmacies.

To order by mail call:

The Peripheral-Neuropathy Treatment Center LLC
4257 US Highway 9 Bldg 6 Suite B
Freehold, NJ 07728
Phone: 732-567-8251
or Email:

- 1 month supply of each Neuro-NO 2 50 mg
- Neuro-No 2 100 mg Sustained Release $ 27.99
- Plus $4.00 shipping

- 3 month supply of each Neuro-NO 2 50 mg
- Neuro-No 2 100 mg Sustained Release $25.99/month
- Plus $4.00 shipping

- 12 month supply of each Neuro-NO 2 50 mg
- Neuro-No 2 100 mg Sustained Release Physicians only
- Free shipping

- 24 month supply of each Neuro-NO 2 50 mg
- Neuro-No 2 100 mg Sustained Release Physicians only
- Free shipping

Neuro-No 2: Why Does it Work